Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What To Do With All That Lettuce, #3

Much like Karen's beloved, I love salad. Greens dressed simply with olive oil, balsamic, salt and pepper truly make me happy. My husband, on the other hand, grew up on cooked veggies. But, even I have trouble getting through all the lettuce that has been arriving. It doesn't help that sometimes the lettuce arrives screaming for immediate use. Often the hydroponic lettuce looks as if the due date requires the past tense...

Faced with two heads of hydroponic lettuce that didn't look like they were going to make it dinner that evening, I went the soup route as well, but decided to give it a bit of tang with Kefir.

Kefir Lettuce Soup

2 heads hydroponic boston lettuce, cleaned and chopped
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
2 shallots, finely chopped
1 russet potato, peeled and cut in ¼ dice
1 quart chicken stock
Salt and Pepper to taste
½ Cup Kefir

Head the olive oil in a soup pot and add the shallot until translucent. Add the potato and saute for 5 minutes. add the lettuce and wilt--about two minutes. Add the chicken stock and cook until potatoes are done. Blend with an immersion blender or do in batches with a blender. Return to pot, add salt and pepper and kefir and simmer gently.

I also dropped of few stale pieces of baguette on top and that was amazingly tasty.

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